PLAN                           TICKET PRIORITY LEVEL                                   AVERAGE                                                          MAXIMUM

Basic                                    Low                                                          up to 3 business days                                 up to 5 business days

Pro                                      Medium                                                    up to 3 business days                                  up to 4 business days

Premium                              High                                                         up to 2 business days                                  up to 3 business days

PLAN                  TICKET PRIORITY LEVEL                                 NORMAL                                                 AVERAGE                                                 MAXIMUM

Basic                                     Low                                                    up to 3 business days                      up to 4 business days                      up to 5 business days

Pro                                    Medium                                              up to 3 business days                       up to 3 business days                      up to 4 business days

Premium                              High                                             within to 2 business days                   up to 2 business days                      up to 3 business days





This is the first status when your ticket is submitted successfully via portal, email or call.

Virtual Team will check on the ticket.


The customer response to our ticket task via email or portal.

Virtual Team will read your response.


When the Virtual Assistant checked and validate that the information if sufficient and ready to work by one of our Virtual Experts.

Virtual Assistant and Client waiting to receive update from Virtual Experts


 The task is working by assigned Virtual Expert.


When the task requested to cancelled by client. Also, this status used when you didn’t response on the ticket.


The task needs response from one of the supported Marketplace platform you requested. Or, Our Team Leaders are checking the outpu for quality control and assurance.

Support Team is waiting for the Platform Reply
or doing an internal QC and QA on the output.

Awaiting for Client Reply

The task needs response you as our client.

Virtual Team is waiting for client’s feedback.

Feedback or Answered

The task needs response you as our client. Also, This status used when we believe no need further action.

Support Team is waiting for client’s feedback
or no action needed if completed.


The task is resolved or completed. Also, this status used when you didn’t response on the ticket.

No action needed but can reopen if necessary. 

Revision process

All revision requests will be created a new ticket by the team.
Minor requests can be done within the day.

Frequent asked questions

When we platform receive your task and generate it as a ticket, That is the start of virtual assistant response time.

It will start when support team transfer the ticket to In Progress status level.

There are many factor when Virtual Assistant response time ended. Some are the following:

  1.   When the task ticket transfer from Open to In Progress.
  2. When the task ticket automatic change by the system policy 15 days of no response from the client.
  3. When the task ticket cancelled by the client.
  4. When the task ticket is Awaiting for Client or Marketplace Platform reply.

There are many factor when Operations response time ended. Some are the following:

  1. When the task ticket transfer from In progress to Open.
  2. When the task ticket cancelled by the client.
  3. When the task ticket is Awaiting for Client or Platform reply.

When you see the task ticket is on Awaiting for Client or Marketplace Platform Reply status, It means that we are waiting for you as a client or the Marketplace platform supported requested to response. The Virtual Team of Assistants and Experts will hold, pause the response time until we receive a response.

Our Virtual Team are trained to make follow up via SMS, Email or Call on a courtesy basis. The courtesy follow up works when there is no response from client or platform.